Nature club worldwide embraces the doctrine ‘Loka Samstha Sukhino Bhavanthu’ - May all Beings everywhere on earth be Happy and Free, may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that freedom for all.

Step into a new era of environmental conservation – one that transcends borders and breaks free from the constraints of traditional approaches. The Nature Club worldwide isn’t just another environmental organization, it represents a global movement poised to redefine how we safeguard and nurture our environment.

A healthy co-existence of all elements on earth is indispensable for a sustainable ecosystem in this planet. Human activities are causing significant alterations to the patterns of energy flow and nutrient cycling disturbing its equilibrium. The increase in human population and his greed consumed more and more resources which has created an enormous depletion in the natural resources resulting in tremendous imbalance that is threatening to the present and future life on earth. It is imperative to take an epochal shift in the human approach to safeguard our environment.

Nature doesn’t need People; People need Nature

Nature Club?

While numerous organizations worldwide are dedicated to environmental conservation, we recognize that real change often requires a professional approach. That’s why we introduce the unique concept of the Environment Manager.

Our Vision

Every Global Citizen as an Environmental Manager. The Nature Club envisions a world where environmental conservation knows no bounds, where it isn’t restricted by national borders or confined to niche approaches. We stand at the forefront of a paradigm shift, uniting people from every corner of the globe under a common banner – the preservation and protection of our environment.

Our Mission

To create Environment Managers all around the globe to educate and guide individuals to formalize their approach, attitude, view, and interest in nature in an eco-friendly manner for the peaceful coexistence of life on Earth.

What It Means to Be an Environmental Manager

In this new paradigm:
Stewardship: Each person becomes an active steward of the environment, managing and reducing their ecological footprint.
Interconnectedness: Recognize the interconnectedness of all life on Earth and understand the consequences of individual choices on the natural world.
Responsibility: Embrace a profound sense of responsibility and accountability.
Professional Ethos: Approach environmental conservation with professionalism, evidence-based decision-making, and ethical principles.
Collaboration: Work with others to achieve common environmental objectives, becoming proactive problem solvers.

Key Responsibilities

  • To voice for Nature
  • To ensure respect and protection of local habitats
  • To make clear the concept of biodiversity
  • To engage in environmental repair
  • To encourage a mutually supported ecosystem
  • To address environmental challenges
  • To enable Ecological Restoration